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08 October 2008

So... let's do the math

In the last nine months, in Toronto alone... we've had roughly half the number of Canadians murdered... as we've had killed in Afghanistan since 2001.
Few details are emerging as Toronto Police investigate the city's latest murder.

The man was found lying on Fieldside Dr. with apparent stab wounds last night, near McCowan Rd. and McNicoll Ave., police said.

This is the city's 54th homicide victim of the year.
As someone who chose to "get the hell outta Dodge" some 7 years ago... I really don't have a dog in this particular fight.

We bailed on the big city when it came time for the boy to go to school. It wasn't a difficult decision at all. I simply couldn't stand the idea of feeding our only child into the inner-city Hogtown meat grinder. It was the right choice for us and we've never looked back.

So really, the carnage in the streets of Toronto shouldn't bother me at all.

Except that this is still my country. I do care. Unless people care enough to speak up, it's a problem that will spread and take hold in other places.

Law and order, civil society... it's what sets Canada apart from so many other places. It is, I hope, what makes this country a magnet and a model for so many people around the world

It's something that's worth holding on to. And that is why I choose not to turn away.


UPDATE: And our latest player is...
An arrest warrant has been issued in connection with the Friday night slaying of a north Etobicoke teen.

Nahoor Araya, 18, of no fixed address, is wanted for second-degree murder, Toronto Police announced Wednesday.