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08 October 2008

The media is panicking...

...Steffi's constantly on the brink of tears... we never needed a cool, collected Stephen Harper... (remember, the man with the masters degree in economics)... more than we do right now...
We also are not impressed by Mr. Dion's plan-- and general attitude -- in regard to Canada's economic challenges. In recent days, he truly has sounded like a hysteric, trying to convince Canadians that our relatively sound economy is on the brink of a cataclysmic depression.

There is no evidence of this: Indeed, the latest economic numbers on jobs and growth are excellent. And as a stack of reports from our major banks attest, the fundamentals of our real estate market bear no comparison to America's sub-prime mess.

Indeed, the only thing that could tip this country into full-blown depression is wide-scale investor panic of the type Mr. Dion seems intent on fomenting.
This one's a no-brainer, folks. You can go with the party of more taxes and more social workers... or the steady hand that has, despite being a minority government, steered us safely through the shoals to this point.

I'm gonna go with the guy who isn't screaming about the "sky falling" down on our heads.


"Oh my gawd. Richardson just reported on CTV that Duceppe is making a subtle offer to the Liberals that he wants a coalition government.!!!"

"A Liberal leader sooo weak the seperatists see themselves as a partner in a Dion government!!"