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15 October 2008

Enough to make you wanna scream

You know what I mean... all the nonsensical, fluffy yip-yap from Bob and Iggy... about what a great job Stephane Dion did with the Lemming, er... Liberal campaign.

Maybe we can just ask somebody who doesn't have to carefully conceal any ulterior motive. You know... like somebody who isn't actually looking to take Dion's livelihood away from him...
Political consultant David Herle, who chaired the two previous Liberal campaigns, said the party will hold Dion responsible for what he describes as last night's "crushingly bad defeat."

"We are now again, virtually irrelevant in Western Canada and have lost the beachhead we had in British Columbia. The problems in Quebec remain widespread and deep. The NDP and Greens are encroaching on the Liberal party's territory from the left."

Since Dion was the author and the designer of the campaign, Herle said he can't see him leading the party during another election.
There... wasn't that refreshing?


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