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20 October 2008

Dion... the diabolical genius

I guarantee, you'll only get this sort of shrewd political analysis... from a graduate of the "Rainman Institute of Leftospherics & Social Policy."
Oh, no... we've been outfoxed again!



He might not ever win a battle... but he'll never lose a moment...
See nonny... I know you felt kinda stupid and were looking for a zinger here... but maybe you should have used up some of the nine minutes it took you to respond... to look up the word "lugubrious" (mournful, dismal, or gloomy) in a dictionary.

I think maybe the word you were actually looking for was "pathetic"... also strangely and ironically appropriate.

And Nonny... at the risk of bursting your uber-academic bubble...
"The MSM seems to be missing the notion that Dion has also made it incredibly easy for the CPC to do what it wants over the next several months as there is no way the Liberals will want to go into another election under this guy."

"Dion has made yet another blunder."

LAST WORD: "...when nobody reads your blog"

Hey Nonny... I think they like you
Feeling a little "lugubrious"?
