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01 September 2008

Why does a [Dr] Dawg...

...lick Canadian Cynic's balls?

I gotta say... it ain't something that makes sense to me.

Apparently frustrated at not being able to get up on the porch with the big canines..., Dr. Dawg has just decided he's a huge fan of puerile, profane little CC. He links to me 8... count 'em... 8 times in one post, attempting to prove that I am his worst nightmare come true.

As for his newfound love... let's break that down a little. You all remember CC, right... the guy who's always comparing people to Nazis?
I guess that shouldn't be so surprising... with the Cynic always coming up with, well... I guess the word is... "solutions"... like this...See, Dawg... I'm really not that impressed with your new best friend. I mean, boasting about how easy it is to get pornography past Customs only confirmed my opinion of CC's supposed intellect.
"I can encrypt them. Or misname them. Or put them in hidden folders. Or just not bring them at all, and get them later via e-mail or from a web site. I mean, Jesus Christ, the possibilities are endless. Really, you'd have to pretty stupid to get caught smuggling porn on your computer."
I guess I shouldn't really have been surprised... CC has previously posted such gems as...
"If you Google on "pay to fuck," what do you get coming up as the very first hit? Just curious."
Now, perhaps the Dawg isn't aware of the Cynic's recent mental health problems... where CC imagines the Blogging Tories Death Squad is sitting across the street watching his mom's basement...

And while Dawg does admit he doesn't exactly approve of CC referring to womankind as "the dumb cuntitude"... or constantly tossing around the "N-bomb"... that doesn't mean he's gonna stop sniffin' ol' CC's butthole. Even when the Cynic just makes stuff up... instead of actually quoting what anyone says...
Now... that's not a word that I've ever used, or allowed here... but apparently Dawg's just fine with CC saying otherwise.

I guess that's just the price of comedic genius, right D?

I dunno, Dawg... what is it they say these days...
"If more than one of your buddies is a completely irredeemable asshole... maybe it is you."
Now, I guess the Dawgster's biggest issue with me is that I post about the current sad state of affairs in Toronto... and yes, that means the recent wave of "guns and gangs" homicides.

Now Dawg isn't contesting that anything that I write is untrue... he just doesn't like that the preponderance of both perpetrators and victims... seem to reside firmly outside of the WASP-itude.

Well... I'm sorry, Dawg, but... "if you're not measuring, you're not managing".

Simply pretending these murders aren't happening... does nothing to address the problem. But that's what the loony left does, right?

Sorry... that's just not good enough.


POSTSCRIPT: And for goodness sake...

Dawg doesn't want you to read any of my own comments...
what you see as prejudice is simply my loathing for "political correctness"... and the fuzzy-bunny "buy the world a coke" perspective of the leftbot media.

what i write about is "culture"... not race... culture that, in too many cases, seemingly promotes violence, misogyny and personal lack of responsibility... mostly, i might add, to other members of the "so-called communities" involved.

I guess he'd rather sweep this stuff under the wonderful "multicultural" carpet.


LAST WORD: Hey, Dawggie... want another bone?

If you're sure you're finished calling me a racist, that is...
“It's absolutely shameful to put her child in the spotlight. She's not running for office. When someone can't face issues, they try to tear down a family.”
Boy... that sounds so familiar.

And, for the record, all the silly-ass comment spam you and the giggley-girls are firing at me... it's no secret... i just delete it.