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13 September 2008

Well, I'm stumped

Maybe Dr Dawg... or one of his compassionate, progressive comrades... can explain to me, how a mother can starve her own child to death...
Somewhere in this city a nine-month-old baby is dying.

The boy is about half the weight of a typical nine-month-old baby and only a few pounds heavier than an average newborn. The two may be travelling in a late 90s model, red, two-door, Acura, police said.

UPDATE: There's another child in the mix...
A young woman who fled a Toronto hospital with her severely malnourished baby has another young child police are worried about.
And it appears, the oft-vaunted "community solidarity" is a factor here...
Caines was with a friend, who hasn't provided police with a lot of information, Leone said. It's unknown if her other son was with them at the time.

It's unknown where she resides, as she only lives with her family "at times," and it appears her and the father of her children aren't together, Leone said.
So... a baby is starving to death, and nobody... neighbours... or even the woman's family... has the sense, or decency to speak up?




The Katzenjammer Kids of the demented leftosphere claim to be baffled by this post. For once, apparently, they're not gonna try blame a random newsworthy event on that "evil Stephen Harper."

But that's okay... Deputy Dawg can always play the "race card."
"Neo is a racist. He enjoys posting an on-going rogue’s gallery of mean-looking Black folks to make a point–he’s been doing this for years."
Hey, Dawg... that's a pretty rich accusation... from someone who's totally on board with this hater.

And seriously... you really figure pulling a Tawana Brawley... is a tactical master-stroke? Did Stooge help you out here... or did you come up with this all on your lonesome?

And looky here... in all the excitement... you seem to have forgotten the perennial cry of the leftbot loon... "More social workers... more social workers."

Well, buddy... you just knock yourself out.

P.S., Dawg... is there anything else we're not allowed to talk about?
