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10 September 2008

Just give 'em enough Mallick... hang themselves...
A subtle, pervasive leftwing tilt in news coverage is one thing -- CBC viewers and listeners are used to that. But over-the-top, hateful anti-American speech, coming on top of Neil Macdonald's disgraceful spouting of debunked Sarah Palin conspiracy theories on The National last week, is another.

Why, exactly, should Canadians be paying $1-billion for agitprop they can get from or

Of course, Mallick should be at liberty to spout such nonsense: All speech -- including hate speech -- should be free.

But Canadian taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize it.

UPDATE: Go ahead... shove another foot in there
"I called Palin 'white trash' (why? because she is white and she is trash, and she thinks raped incest victims should bear their dad's baby, don't get me started ...)"
Oh, Heather... you're way past "started."


UPDATE2: Dems decide to go with vagina politics
South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate "whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

RELATED: And St Barry's halo... starts to slip
Later in the day, Obama used a variation of the lipstick line, though he was clearly talking about the McCain-Palin reform rhetoric.

‘You can put lipstick on a pig,’ he said. ‘It’s still a pig.’

"Yes, he was too-clever by half and tried to use a rhetorical flourish to get his crowd going."

"Of course, there are other rhetorical phrases, as well."

"What are the chances that anyone will ever say that Obama is just "one of the boys" for instance..."