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10 September 2008

It's all over kiddies

Today's the day they turn on the Large Hadron Collider...
In a small black hole—like the one predicted by the LHC doomsayers—this dissolution would occur almost immediately.

In fact, for all but the largest black holes, dissolution would happen before a person even crossed the event horizon, and it would take place in a matter of billionths of a second.


RELATED: Looks like we get to live after all

And it wasn't just black holes they were worried about...
Mr Myers has experience of the latter problem. While working on the LHC's predecessor, a machine called the Large-Electron Positron Collider, engineers found two beer bottles wedged into the beam pipe - a deliberate, one-off act of sabotage.

The culprits - who were drinking a particular brand that advertising once claimed would "refresh the parts other beers cannot reach" - were never found.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Humourless, robotic... and yet testy
"FFS, learn to read science. Like Brian Cox said (paraphrased), 'Everyone who believes the LHC will create a black hole is a twat'."
Well, there's some insightful commentary.

Lemme guess... just another big fan of Canadian Cynic.
