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04 September 2008

It's obvious that all of the blame...

...lies with this inanimate metal object...Yet another abysmal failure of the Liberals "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry."
Kimveer Gill had consulted a doctor and psychologist for depression and a “fragile” mental state the year before he was able to obtain a firearm licence, a Quebec coroner said Thursday in his review of the Dawson College shooting.

Dr. Jacques Ramsay questions the effectiveness of Canada's screening process to obtain a firearm, raising the possibility that Mr. Gill lied about his mental state when applying.
Hey... I've got an idea! Let's penalise all the perfectly law-abiding, not insane people... by banning this firearm forever.

Good grief.

It's like trying to solve drunk-driving deaths... by banning specific makes of cars.

But don't try tell that to a Liberal.


RELATED: "This isn't an extinction. It's suicide."
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