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20 September 2008

Globe "puff piece" canonises...

...Lucy Warman... totally skips over "abuse of process" issues...
And if that isn't skewed enough for you... here's the money quote...
“It's a little bit like counting the rats in the New York City sewers,” said Mr. Warman, a one-man crusade to eradicate racists and neo-Nazis from cyberspace. “You never know whether you are seeing the same rats or whether it is a new one that has stuck its head out the hole.”
Lots of emotionally loaded verbiage from Lucy... but no serious attempt at dealing with the huge "free speech" implications... or Warman's unsavoury tactics.


(h/t bcf)


RELATED: Hey, Lucy... you missed one


LAST WORD: Fakin' Makin takes a shit-kickin'
"Your feature on Mr. Warman didn't ask any of the hard questions that should have been asked. It is a puff piece, a whitewash: a modest contribution that adds little to the overall debate on this important issue."
"This doesn't make sense. Kirk Makin has been reporting on court matters for years without, to my memory, committing anything this puerile to paper. Somebody's called in a favour (or held a gun to his head)."
" should have asked him how MANY others he is currently suing! A long list that includes notorious anti-Semites like the National Post and Ezra Levant."

"You were suckered, Mr. Makin."