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29 August 2008

Whoa... never saw that comin'

I thought... maybe Condi Rice...


RELATED: At CTV... the spin starts early...
After hearing of McCain's choice of running mate, Democratic nominee Barack Obama congratulated Palin."

"He told reporters in Pennsylvania while he hasn't met her, Palin seems like 'a compelling person' with a 'terrific" personal story.'"
Yeah, yeah... that's nice... but I think you guys skipped over the part where the Obamaniacs were a little less than gracious...
Barack Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton: “Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Hey Bill... don't you mean the present Governor of Alaska... who has, well... the same amount of foreign policy experience as the Big O himself?

Let's just think about that...
Other Republicans also pointed out that, as a state governor, she stands alone among the four presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls to have executive office experience.