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29 August 2008

David Miller's "Phony War"

Yes, Toronto... rise up and praise your mighty warrior-king...
The final shot for the Canadian National Recreation Association Gun Club's shooting range in Union Station was fired Wednesday night --the fatal round coming from Toronto Mayor David Miller.

Are you feeling safer today with the eviction and closure of this pistol range? Or did you even know it was there, since nothing terrible happened there in the eight decades when it was a CN-owned property and then later when it was turned over to the municipality?

Unfortunately for the 130 members who had never had an incident or accident in 81 years, Miller found out they were tucked away on the seventh floor and that was the end of them.

"It's a crime," said club president Tom Bradbeer, a member since 1982. "We feel very sad."
And the reality here is, this takes not a single illegal gun out of circulation. Toronto's actual pistol-packin' thugs will continue their reign of terror unabated.

Shutting down these totally law-abiding citizens is simply political theatre designed to cast the Mayor as a crime-fighter.

And what villains did his blondeness dispatch on this august occasion?
He described a sombre scene of about 20 defeated members gathering around telling stories and each taking a final shot in the range that helped train everyone from police officers to Olympians like Avianna Chao, just back from Beijing.

"There were some speeches," Bradbeer said. "We cleaned out the filing cabinets. When we left, the lock codes were changed and we can no longer get in any more."

Just like that. They were evicted from their only home since 1927.
Hey, Super Dave... maybe you can turn the range into a city-funded heroin parlour.

Truly... I fear for my country.
