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25 August 2008

See Steffi... the thing is... start to remind people of a junkie who can't scare up his connection... it's all over...
"One thing is sure," said Dion. "The parliament is working. The parliament is not dysfunctional. This is full improvisation, and it shows panic from the Prime Minister."
It's showin' panic from somebody... that's for sure.


RELATED: As Stephen Taylor said last week...
"The leader of the opposition started his press conference by responding indirectly to the Prime Minister’s ultimatum given at the Conservative caucus retreat in LĂ©vis, Quebec when the PM said that Mr. Dion has to 'fish or cut bait.'"

"Dion made reference to fishing, cutting the fish, eating the fish and fishing for victory… or something."

"Dion and the Liberals are talking trash about everything the Tories are doing - how the CPC policies are taking Canada in the wrong direction and that Harper should be stopped soon and now - BUT Dion has to now come out and say that Parliament is working effectively and should continue on if he doesn't want an election."

LAST WORD: Go ahead, vote Liberal... I dare you
"What shocked the Hong Kong policeman was that the Triad member had phoned someone in the Canadian immigration minister's office in Ottawa," says Mr. McAdam.