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14 August 2008

Paging Taliban Giacomo

So, Jacko... not to put you on the spot or anything... but when exactly are you proposing to open up those negotiations with your jihadi pals?

'Cos, I gotta tell you, I'm ready to throw in for your airfare right now.


RELATED: The Ladykillers

Allah must be so proud of his holy warriors...
Experts see a strategy in the targeting of relief workers: The Taliban attacks, aid groups pull out, then the Taliban moves in to fill the vacuum, telling Afghans the international community has abandoned them.

Gavin Cameron, a University of Calgary political science professor, said insurgents attack humanitarian workers in order to sow instability. "That improves the Taliban's strategic position."

Killing aid workers also sends a message that even "good" foreigners, who are feeding and sheltering Afghans, are not wanted and that "there's no one who is safe from being targeted," he said.

LAST WORD: Well, whaddaya know...

They'll go after actual soldiers occasionally too...
-- KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- An explosion targeting international troops on a foot patrol in southern Afghanistan killed three members of the U.S.-led coalition Thursday, the coalition said.

The coalition did not release any details about the attack, including the troops’ nationalities or the location of the blast.