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14 August 2008

I should say right up front...

...I'm not without sympathy for anyone who finds themselves on the pointed, splintery end of the Islamic justice stick. As a lifelong Canadian, atheist and staunch Conservative... it strikes me as a crazy, impenetrable way to run a science fiction penal colony... never mind a country.

What I find really interesting here, though... is how some folks can go from reverential, light-speed awe of all things multi-cultural... to slam-stop, ice cold, nanny-state intervention... in the blink of a socialist eye.
-- OTTAWA -- The outlook has grown bleaker for two Canadian brothers accused of murder in Saudi Arabia, prompting calls from opposition Liberals for the Harper government to step up efforts on their behalf.

“The two innocent Canadians were set upon by a gang of 15 youths, some of whom were armed with knives and sticks,” said Mr. McTeague, who provided an update on the Kohail case Wednesday.
Now... I'm not really sure how Dan McTeague apparently knows these guys are innocent of these charges... but let's leave that for another time.

What intrigues me here, is how McTeague... a devout, lifelong worshipper at the altar of political correctness, moral relativism and cultural diversity... can bring himself to -- SUDDENLY -- make a screeching 180 degree about-face and repudiate some other sovereign nation's established system of justice.

Oh, wait a minute... I forgot.

He's a Liberal... and they're "flexible."


"Not odd at all when you consider his likely perception that the Saudis are a little too friendly with the Americans and their President, Oiljesus Bushitler."
It's true... I forgot the Liberal Party's "Piss all over anything remotely associated with Americans" escape clause.
