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12 August 2008

Isaac Hayes... Scientologist?

You can so easily imagine Tom Cruise finding his inner alien... but Isaac Hayes... seriously?
His soul will be "born again into the flesh of another body," as the Scientology Press Office's FAQ puts it.

RELATED: In other quasi-religion news...
-- BRACEBRIDGE -- A man who claims he is an ordained minister was busted with almost half a kilo of pot yesterday during a traffic stop on Hwy. 11 near Bracebridge.

"Rev." Michel Nathier, 53, of the Church of the Universe, admitted he was smoking a joint when the OPP officer pulled him over but said he was committing a holy act.

Nathier was initially stopped because he was swerving between lanes, Medved said.

When the officer stopped the car, a waft of the sacred herb came floating out, police said.

The officer seized almost a half kilo of pot with a street value of between $1,500 and $3,000.