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11 August 2008

A double dose...

...of CTV moonbat madness...

Rosemary Thompson on the Montreal rioting comes down solidly against the police, finishing up...
"...the police came by and we all know what happened."
Yeah, Rosemary... what school of journalism wouldn't be proud of that fine reportage?

Lisa LaFlamme quickly followed up, with a piece on Stephen Harper screwing up Canada's international standing by not attending the Beijing Olympics.

Unbelievably, she mounts her whole argument on... get this... arguing that the Prime Minister should be more like George Bush.

Yeah... no hypocrisy there.


RELATED: Apparently, it's a little less clear...

...over at the Globe and Mail.
"Was Prime Minister Stephen Harper right not to attend the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics?"

"It appears the insurgents in Montreal are not quite done with looting, shooting, and fire bombing."

"'What happened in the riot is one-hundredth of what should happen, what will happen,' said Lambert Ronald, a 49-year-old man who held court as tow trucks hauled away burnt-out vehicles a few metres away. - globe and mail"