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24 August 2008

In other...

..."you'll never hear it on CTV" news...
In what is being hailed as the biggest show of force this year in the Taliban stronghold, Canadian and Afghan forces pushed through the central part of Zhari, battling with insurgents and confiscating weapons caches and a "significant amount" of materials used for building improvised explosive devices.

The three-day campaign, code-named Op Timis Preem, kicked off Thursday morning with a pre-emptive early-morning air strike on a known insurgent command-and-control centre in western Pashmul.

Two insurgent commanders were suspected to have been operating there and, while no confirmation has been made yet, they are believed to have been killed in the strike.

RELATED: And next door in Iraq...
-- BAGHDAD, Aug 24 (Reuters) -- U.S. forces said on Sunday they had caught two prominent al Qaeda leaders, including one they blamed for the kidnapping of an American journalist.

They said they had captured Ali Rash Nasir Jiyad al-Shammari, known as Abu Tiba, on Aug. 17 and Salim Abdallah Ashur al-Shujayri, known as Abu Uthman, on Aug. 11.

"The capture of Abu Tiba and Abu Uthman eliminates two of the few remaining experienced leaders in the AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq) network," U.S. military spokesman Rear Admiral Patrick Driscoll said.