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24 August 2008

The audacity of...

...pissing off millions of Democratic party supporters...
The latest, released by the campaign early Sunday, features clips of Ms. Clinton during the primary battle saying critical things about Mr. Obama, including, "Senator Obama's campaign has become increasingly negative."

A voiceover announcer says, “She won millions of votes but isn't on the ticket. Why?"

"For speaking the truth."
And suddenly, the annointed one turns into an "Agent of Same-Old, Same-Old."
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, mentioned often as a potential No. 2 to Mr. McCain, said Sunday that Mr. Obama's choice of Mr. Biden had undermined one of the key messages of Mr. Obama's campaign, that he is an agent of change.

“Now you pick someone who is a consummate Washington insider, who was elected to the U.S. Senate when Barack Obama and I were 12 years old,” Mr. Pawlenty said in a conference call with reporters.

“Where's the change?”

RELATED: You're sure you want to...

...die on that particular hill... er... Hillary?
"Senator Obama has made a choice more out of weakness than strength. It is quite clear [that] the strong choice would have been Hillary Clinton. The obvious choice would have been Hillary Clinton."

"She had 50 percent of the Democratic vote [in the primaries]; Obama had 50 percent of the Democratic vote."

LAST WORD: Let's take a little trip...

...back to the day Joe Biden launched his own presidential campaign...
Biden is taking some heat for comments he made to the New York Observer, in which he said of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a rival for the nomination: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Immediately the conservative media establishment -- Rush Limbaugh, the Drudge Report, bloggers -- publicly pounced.

At, Mary Katherine Ham wrote: "A clean black man? The first black guy on the American political scene who can both shower regularly and speak properly?"

"Is that really what Biden thinks?"

"If a Republican had said this, we'd have a national outpouring of grief over the residual ignorance and racial insensitivity in our country, and the guy would be in sensitivity training until around about the time John Kerry is elected president."
Not that Obama is any better.
