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03 August 2008

Got your calculator handy?

Let's talk really horrific human tragedy...
A stampede at a hilltop temple in northern India has killed at least 120 people, police say.

Indian temples are regularly hit by stampedes, as huge crowds of Hindu devotees flock to make offerings at festival times.

There have been at least three fatal stampedes in the country so far during 2008, although the numbers killed were far smaller than in the latest incident.
So lemme see... in one single event... that's 30 years of Canadian taser fatalities.

And no one, outside of their families, will ever even know these people's names.

Funny how that works.


UPDATE: At least 145 people...



Two links in four hours, CC? Really... I'm flattered. Still... it's nowhere near his record of nine links... in one post.

It almost makes me feel guilty... that I've been neglecting him.

Get well soon, sweetie.


FROM THE COMMENTS: CC sends his flying monkeys...
"How appropriate you call your blog "halls of macadamia"...'cause you're fucking NUTS!"
"I'm calling you a fucking asshole, a liar, a coward and an intellectual half-wit who probably couldn't find his own ass with a compass, a mirror and a flashlight."

LAST WORD: Hey, Cynic... this is interesting.

I see via Sitemeter... I had a few referrals from your links to my blog... that originated at the Royal Military College in Kingston.

You've apparently got fans all over the place.

Lucky you.
