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10 July 2008

You "double down" in Scarberia...'re taking gambling to a whole new level...
When they arrived on scene, they found two men suffering from gunshot wounds. One of the men, believed to be in his 20s, was found with no vital signs and was pronounced dead at the scene.

He had been shot multiple times, Toronto EMS said, at least once in the head.

RELATED: Dear Mayor Super Dave...

...maybe you should be focusing a little less on the "evil guns"... and a little more on who's actually pullin' the triggers.
“I haven’t been deployed or anything, and it doesn’t look like I’m going to be, but you wish you could be a part of that,” said Sgt. First Class Daryl Szarenski, 40, a pistol shooter who has qualified for his third Olympics. “To be a bigger part of the war effort than what it feels like I am.”

Members of the Olympic team are not exempt from the mundane duties of other soldiers. As one of the lowest-ranking members of the shotgun team, Hancock must make the coffee every afternoon for the others. Szarenski still cleans latrines.

“You just suck it up and do it.”
So Dave, I'm just spitballin' here... but maybe it's not the inanimate chunk of steel you should be obsessing about?

Silly me, huh?
