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09 July 2008

Feds knew about torture allegations

Nope... it's not that evil Stephen Harper... this was way before his time...
New documents released Wednesday reveal a fuller extent to which the federal government knew about the alleged mistreatment of teenaged Canadian citizen Omar Khadr in the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – and give an alarming preview into wrenching DVD footage of the interview that is expected to be released publicly within days.

“KHADR said he was scared to say something. He then asked his interrogators ‘Promise you'll protect me from Americans,” a U.S. Air Force briefing note from February, 2003 reads.
Geez, it's right on the tip of my tongue... who was running the country back in 2003?


"Funny how the MSM only says that 'Canada knew' about the torture."

"They have still yet to mention it was Chretien's liberals."

UPDATE: Globe and Mail says, "Screw the facts...

...we're pilin' on too."
Mr. Harper's government has long insisted that it sought and received assurances from the U.S. that Mr. Khadr was being treated humanely, but the documents dating from 2003 and 2004 – when Mr. Khadr was 17 years old – indicate Canadian officials knew of his conditions and mistreatment.

“I think that what is being done to Omar Khadr right now rests squarely on the shoulders of Prime Minister Harper.”
Yeah... not with those "dog ate my homework" Fiberals, huh?
