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04 July 2008

While Lloyd and the mainstream media...

...lose their minds over the 4 taser deaths annually... (make note that number is the Canada-wide total)... nobody seems to care about the 185 annual deaths in Ontario alone from C. difficile...
At least 460 patients infected with the lethal superbug C. difficile have died in Ontario hospitals over the past 30 months.

A tally by the Hamilton Spectator shows that 463 infected patients died at just 22 of Ontario's 157 hospitals. Experts such as infection specialist Dr. Michael Gardam have said the Spectator's ongoing tally is only the tip of the iceberg.
But, hey... not to worry... the McSlippery Liberals must be all over this one, right?
Health Minister David Caplan, who replaced George Smitherman last month, has said the government has no plans to call an inquiry.
Funny how that works.

Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.
