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04 July 2008

A morality tale...

...for the lunatic left.
-- LOS ANGELES -- San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that the city would begin handing over for deportation juvenile illegal immigrants with drug convictions, reversing a controversial policy of flying the youths back to their home countries at the city's expense.

The flights, rooted in a 1989 ordinance declaring the city a "sanctuary" for undocumented immigrants, ceased this spring after the U.S. attorney threatened to prosecute officials for harboring criminals.
Maybe you don't wanna get too big for yer britches.
About the same time, Immigration and Customs Enforcement detained a city probation official in the Houston airport along with two Honduran juveniles the official was putting on a plane to Tegucigalpa, the capital.

"Which means that San Francisco for all intents and purposes is running its own department of immigration," said Joseph Russoniello, the U.S. attorney for San Francisco.

"It's had its own foreign policy, so having its own immigration policy is the next step."
Hey, Mayor Super Dave... are you listening?
