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20 July 2008

Taliban Giacomo...

...better rally the troops... as another socialist fantasy threatens to bite the dust...**********

RELATED: The Globe has the icing on the cake...
"Can the NDP remake itself and socialism into an attractive political option for Canadians?"

LAST WORD: Did you hear the one...

...about the federal cabinet minister who said... "You can kiss my politically-incorrect ass"?
"I just received an e-mail from the Guy Earle comedy benefit, on right now in Toronto."

"Jason Kenney, the federal cabinet minister and Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity, is there, along with his Director of Communications, Alykhan Velshi."


It's a real shame about CC. He hasn't been the same since all the confusion about his relationship with that other Waterloo blogger... who also, strangely enough... was calling himself Canadian Cynic.

In fact, it seems to have caused the Cynic to have some sort of nervous breakdown.

Get well soon, CC.
