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14 July 2008

Spokes-native Steve Powless...

...declares war on Brantford.
-- BRANTFORD -- Six Nations protesters promised a full-fledged land occupation in Brantford after city police arrested a protester Monday morning. "They’re going to have one hell of a fight now," said Steve Powless, speaking for the protesters.

"This is going to be Caledonia Part 2."

"They don’t understand what they’re in for."
Well, I dunno about that Stevie... it seems pretty clear to me...
Donal Curtin, Kingspan's general manager, said police told him to lock the door on his construction trailer and remain inside. He said in a response to e-mailed questions Monday that workers trying to enter the area received death threats.

"On multiple occasions today, contractors working on the site or delivering material to the site, had their lives threatened," he wrote. "These events have been reported to the Brantford Police. The people who made the threats were not arrested as far as I know."
And, of course, our aboriginal brethren are getting the usual politically correct kid-glove treatment.
Police spokesman Kent Pottruff said he did not have specific details of those allegations, but that potential criminal activity would be investigated.
Funny how that works.


"Time for McGuinty to buy up the City of Brantford."