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14 July 2008

Reader revolt at Moonbat Central

Despite the "Red" Star's best efforts... there is a distinct lack of tears for poor Mama Khadr...
"I remember the chilling interview where this woman and her daughter rejoiced in what her spawn had done. Well, I hope they can take pride in some further humiliation because they are an insult to Islam, Canada and the ability to reproduce!"
For those who need it... a little background.


RELATED: The Star takes another shot
"Statements from the Khadr family, all along, have been horrendous. No one would sympathize with what the Khadr family has said," said University of Toronto law professor Ed Morgan.
But ol' Ed still wants to bring Omar back.


UPDATE: You're right, you jihadi jerkwad...

...we don't.
Sobbing uncontrollably, Mr Khadr tells the officials several times: "You don't care about me."

LAST WORD: CTV sure has it's fingers...

...on the pulse of the nation.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's failure to push for Omar Khadr's release from Guantanamo Bay is "beyond comprehension," a lawyer for the detainee said Tuesday.

Khadr's Canadian lawyers, Dennis Edney and Nathan Whitling, blasted the Conservatives just hours after releasing footage of Khadr being interrogated in 2003 by Canadian spy service agents.