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04 July 2008

So... whaddaya think would happen...

If Governor-General Michaƫlle Jean suddenly received 50 thousand pissed off emails?
-- OTTAWA, TORONTO -- The Governor-General has the power to veto appointments to the Order of Canada, but it would have been highly unusual for her to use it to block abortion-rights activist Henry Morgentaler from receiving the honour, according to those familiar with the process.
On another speculative note... does anybody know what religion the GG and her family practice?

Not RC by any chance?

Wouldn't that be interesting.


RELATED: Of course, maybe she just wouldn't care
Thankfully for the PMO, Martin's efforts to moderate the press corps may have had its desired effect.

After about a week of kicking around the story that Canada's highest-ranking official was all for splitting up the country, and sympathized with those who saw violence as the means to do it, the press backed off.