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04 July 2008

So, Dalton...

How many social workers will it take to fix this up?
The mother of a murdered child told a Brampton court today that she's been abandoned by her relatives for testifying against her daughter's killer.

"I'm totally alone," Ravinder Oshan wrote in her victim impact statement read into the record today by prosecutor Stephen Laufer. Her 3 1/2-year-old daughter Rashmeet Oshan was murdered June 21, 2005 by her brother-in-law.
This brutal murder and it's unbelievable aftermath begs the question... "Who exactly are we allowing into this country?"
In her statement, Oshan said her parents and sister have disowned her because she testified against her sister's husband. "My mommy and daddy are not with me," Oshan wrote. " are dead for us and we are dead for you....

Oshan said her parents believed she should have supported her sister and her brother-in-law, and lied to police.
That's what we're looking for?

