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29 July 2008

Searing Toronto Star article...

...reveals the sorry state of child-rearing in Canada...
Children in some poorer areas of Mexico are farther ahead in kindergarten than the average Canadian kid, says new research led by renowned expert Dr. Fraser Mustard.
Well, that would certainly explain the thousands of refugees from Canada trying to sneak across the Mexican border.

Need a further testimonial?
“It’s a lot of good experiences in the first few years of life,” said Alfredo Tinajero, who helped implement a similar program in his native Ecuador.
Of course, the next sentence reads..."He now lives in Toronto."

And the solution to this horrific national disgrace?

Of course... more social workers.
Once a baby is born, families receive home visits twice a week for two years from parenting educators, social workers, nurses or physicians.
Pardon me for being just a little skeptical here... but my last visit to the local hospital emergency room had me sitting there for seven and a half hours with a sick, fevered child in my lap.

Now, call me wacky... but maybe before we actually replace mom and dad with newly minted sociology majors... we could do something about the imploding health-care system?

Just my two cents.


RELATED: When Mother-Love goes bad...
"She would tell anyone she was speaking to, including Richard, his girlfriend and friends about Richard's blatant and constant breach of his curfew and refusal to listen to her," the judge observed in his ruling issued Tuesday.
How many social workers would have fixed this one?
