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28 July 2008

The Leftosphere loses it's mind...

...but what this comes down to, in a mere matter of seconds, is... "Would you bet your life?"
The incident illustrates the predicament facing soldiers confronted by an erratic driver on the chaotic roads of Kandahar -- either they open fire and risk killing an innocent Afghan or hold their fire and risk being killed by a suicide bomber.
And actually... it's even more complex than that.

Would you bet your life... and that of everybody else in the immediate area?

Times's up. Choose.


"Maybe the left wants the army to be equipped with tasers. No, wait..."

LAST WORD: Walk a mile... in my combat boots
"In fall 06 I was a LAV gunner involved in a convoy op in southern Afghanistan. At one point a vehicle pulled out and began speeding towards us, and I fired my COAX in accordance with ROEs."

"When the dust cleared the battle aiming mark on my daysight was sitting right in the middle of some kid's head as I looked through the windshield at him sitting on the driver's lap."
Try second-guessing that.
