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04 July 2008

Paving the way...

...for the introduction of the ancient and much revered... Albanian blood feud...
The most senior judge in England yesterday gave his blessing to the use of sharia law to resolve disputes among Muslims.

Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips said that Islamic legal principles could be employed to deal with family and marital arguments and to regulate finance.

"Those entering into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law."
(h/t reader rich)


RELATED: Give 'em an inch...

...they'll take the box the tape measure came in.
"The idea of a Muslim “copyright” on the image of Mohammed is nuts – today. But how nuts will it look tomorrow, with Burny and friends having softened up our fundamental freedoms, and then some litigious bully, backed with Saudi oil money, comes in to bat clean-up?"

"The answer to the question in the title of this post is: funny today, dangerous tomorrow."