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04 July 2008

Calling all Libloggers

Time for Johnny Maudlin to round up his crack team of researchers...
A questionnaire completed 14 months after the one-day drug trial found the majority of participants considered the experience to be one of the most "personally meaningful and spiritually significant" events of their lives.
You know, as opposed to, say... the birth of their first child.
Even more surprising, they felt the drug had a long-lasting effect that significantly contributed to their overall sense of well-being and life satisfaction.*
Yup... I believe it's what junkies call... "Chasing the Dragon."


RELATED: Speaking of drug-fuelled hallucinations
Federal New Democrats say they hope Mr. Martin will help launch “a breakthrough” for them in the province, where all federal seats are currently held by the Conservatives.

The NDP nomination meeting for Edmonton East is expected in September.