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02 July 2008

It's the Palestinians themselves...

Who are actually the "Improvised Explosive Devices."
-- JERUSALEM -- Palestinian man has driven a bulldozer into a bus and several cars in Jerusalem, killing three people, before being shot dead.

Dozens of people were hurt, at least seven critically, in the rampage on Jaffa Road, in the city centre.

A police officer shot the driver of the bulldozer dead after a struggle in the vehicle's cab.
Another blessed martyr for the cause, huh?


UPDATE: A whole new level of crazy

After this slaughter, there's three separate groups of crazies trying to take the credit...
The attack has been claimed by three Palestinian militant groups, including one which has an affiliation with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, although such claims are not unusual in such cases.

RELATED: The word you're looking for... lunatics.
Palestinians Storm Egyptian Border Crossing

Witnesses and police say angry Palestinians threw stones at border guards after only a limited number of them were allowed to enter Egypt. At least six police were injured.

In January, Hamas militants blew open the border wall, allowing thousands of Palestinians to stream into Egypt to buy goods that are scarce in Gaza, which is subject to an Israeli blockade.

Egypt sealed the border breach about two weeks later.