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02 July 2008

Doing the right thing

Which, inexplicably... to our friends on the socialist side of the political rainbow anyway... doesn't include celebrating abortionists, garish public displays of anyone's sexual proclivities... or becoming enthusiastic participants in the hellish nightmare of intravenous drug addiction.

Conservatives... we're kinda funny that way.


RELATED: A McSlippery slope...

Say, Dalton... now that you've finished shelling out all those taxpayer dollars for sex-change operations... d'ya maybe think Granny can get her diaper changed... or have a bath every once in a while?
"Almost three-quarters of Ontario’s 616 nursing homes that have their inspection results posted online violated some of the 400 general standards set out by the province — a proportion which hasn’t changed significantly since 2004 when then-health minister George Smitherman promised a “revolution” in the province’s long-term care."

LAST WORD: Another CTV poll goes sideways