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04 June 2008

Yeah... I'm shocked

-- OTTAWA -- The Conservatives re-opened the so-called Cadman affair Wednesday with a charge that an audiotape of Prime Minister Stephen Harper talking about the issue had been doctored – although they would not say whether edits of the tape altered the meaning of Mr. Harper's comments.

At a press conference, Conservative MP James Moore presented opinions from two audio experts who concluded that the 2005 tape of Mr. Harper, recorded by B.C. author Tom Zytaruk, had been altered.

“The tape has been doctored, including the insertion of a fabricated sound-bite,” Mr. Moore told reporters.
(h/t reader rich)

And Steffi... it's not like you weren't warned, this was gonna blow up in your face...
"The Liberals made fabricated accusations and very soon the Liberals will see how big of a legal problem they have created for themselves," he told reporters, referring to Harper's $2.5 million libel suit against the Liberal Party of Canada over its allegation that Harper knew of a bribery attempt on Cadman.

LAST WORD: When the Moonbat mediaheads...

...start to climb aboard... you know there's really a fly in the socialist ointment.
The analysis of the Cadman tape is pretty damning. So much so that Tom Zytaruk himself is putting some distance between himself and the tape. He tries to draw a distinction between his original tape in his safe, and the digital copy on the Liberal website.

Zytaruk points out, rather reasonably, that he can't control what people do with digital recordings that they put on the website.
Note... "the people" Zytaruk is referring to... are the Liberal Party of Canada.

Go Steffi.
