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04 June 2008

"So glad that you're here again..."

"For one more time... let your madness run with mine..."
Okay here’s the deal. Maclean’s is definitely — as of this writing — not going to call Habib. The only question is whether the other side, ie Habib’s lawyers, do: apparently they may change their mind.

If they don’t, then we will have gone through an entire hearing about Muslims exposed to hatred in British Columbia without hearing from one single, solitary outraged British Columbian Muslim (though Habib, unlike Elmasry, at least had the decency to show up).
"The world that we used to know... people tell me it don't turn no more..."
We heard from an outraged Muslim — Joseph’s articling student, Kurrum Awan — but he’s from Ontario.

And we’ve heard from a British Columbian, the Islamic scholar Andrew Rippin, but he’s neither particularly outraged nor, it seems, Muslim.

Even the lawyers were from Ontario, except McConchie.

And if they do call him? Then Porter gets his wish.

See you tomorrow.

RELATED: But they drink coffee...

Just like you and me...
After the arrests, much publicity surrounded a claim that the accused wanted to behead Canada's prime minister.

But an intercepted conversation aired in court suggests the discussion occurred amid laughter – and that the group spent twice as much time on the same intercept talking about a coffee run to Tim Hortons.
I say we don't turn 'em loose... unless they use maple syrup on their pancakes.
