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15 June 2008

That's why it's called "War"

And not "Circle of Friends."
-- KABUL, Afghanistan -- “Baitullah Mehsud should know that we will go after him now and hit him in his house.”

“And the other fellow, (Taliban leader) Mullah Omar of Pakistan should know the same,” Mr. Karzai continued. “This is a two-way road in this case, and Afghans are good at the two-way road journey.
And Pakistan is gonna have to decide where to put their chips... once and for all.
His comments come as Pakistan is seeking peace deals with militants in its borders, including with Mr. Mehsud.

Mr. Mehsud, who is based mainly in the South Waziristan tribal area, has said he would continue to send fighters to battle U.S. forces in Afghanistan even as he seeks peace with Pakistan.