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15 June 2008

So, you Big City Libbers...

How about you volunteer your neighbourhood for that new "safe-injection site."
-- TORONTO -- "You're not immune," warned Staff Sgt. Courtney Chambers. "As we've seen in the past, some of these guys are indiscriminate when they engage in their violent activities."

However, he added that a lot of the violence is contained to certain areas of the city where there is drug activity.
And never you mind about personal responsibilty... "Super Dave" Miller and Dalton McSlippery will take care of your every need.

More basketball courts, more social workers... and yes please... more taxpayer funded heroin parlours.

The perennial Liberal nanny-state recipe for success.


RELATED: And while we're at it...

...let's scrap that ineffectual, get out of jail free... "Young Offenders Act."


LAST WORD: Hey, Babycakes... hang on a second
