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21 June 2008


Yeah... here's what most people are looking for in a war-time Prime Minister.
-- TORONTO -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion has scolded Stephen Harper over his criticism of the Liberals' so-called green shift.

“I call on the prime minister to debate with me any time on TV on this issue in a respectful, meaningful and adult way,” an angry Mr. Dion said on Toronto's Centre Island.

“It was vulgar and I don't think Canadians are impressed by that.”
Yeah... not like this... huh, Steffi?

Hey, Milquetoast... did he use "hurtful words"?


"Did you see Dion squirm on Prime Time Politics on CPAC when he was asked that since he was so confident in his plan would he be willing to go to the people for a vote?"

LAST WORD: Oooooh, Steffi... that's gonna leave a mark
"Our plan will be good for the environment and good for the economy — good for the planet, good for the wallet."
Of course... that'll be Revenue Canada's wallet.
