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10 June 2008

Prime Minister says... "No thanks"

He's gonna take a pass... on publicly sniffing Maxime Bernier's jockstrap...
"I have no interest in participating in a partisan circus," he said Monday. "The opposition parties, if they wish to go ahead with this, it is their right."
On the other hand, Liberal public safety critic Ujjal Dosanjh says he'll be there with bells on... that Couillard babe is hotter than a two dollar pistol... and ol' Ujjie wants a front row seat...
"This is not really a witch hunt," Dosanjh said.

He said he hopes that Couillard will testify, but he's not going to force her to appear before the committee.
I'm with you Uj... it sure beats rotting away in backbench obscurity, huh?

Maybe you can even do some "deeper" investigation... I hear she has a thing for politicians.


RELATED: Say, Ujjal...

While you're investigating the sex lives of the "Rich & Famous"...


LAST WORD: Even Moonbat Central... isn't biting

Just don't tell, uh... CTV...
"Two thirds of Canadians believe the Maxime Bernier affair is an important issue."


Always glad to play a little "back and forth" with the undisputed "Prince of Putrid."
