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10 June 2008

Hey, Steffi... I think I've found...

That big wedge issue you've been lookin' for...
The group representing strip club owners in Ontario is ready to hire a consultant to find loopholes in the rules because their supply of foreign exotic dancers has been cut off for three years.

One route, he said, might be to use foreign student visas, since foreign students can now work for 20 hours a week in any job.

"The legal way is being ignored, so we need to get creative."

Up to 98 per cent of the women who apply overseas for visas get turned down, even after they pay their $150 to $500 application fee, Lambrinos said.
Damn you, Stephen Harper... we need our rental nookie!
"Now the Conservatives plan to stop moving strippers to the front of the immigration line and try to prevent exploitation."

"Again, the Liberals are against this?"

"We've got immigrant doctors driving cabs and badly needed tradespeople not even able to get into the country. But Liberals want to ensure the flow of new strippers and exploited sex trade workers continues!"
C'mon, Stef... this isn't even real work... you can just dust off the ol' "Red Book."
Remember former Liberal Immigration Minister Judy Sgro?

OTTAWA -- Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada, saying the strip club business is "a strong industry" with "lots of customers."