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21 June 2008

Paging Taliban Jack

Hey, Jacko... you think you can negotiate with these guys... let's start with an easy one... our putative allies...
-- RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- A Saudi newspaper says religious police have arrested 21 allegedly homosexual men and confiscated large amounts of alcohol.

Al-Medina daily says the Commission for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which employs the religious police, was told Friday of a large gathering of young men at a rest house in Qatif, in eastern Saudi Arabia.

Homosexuality is seen as a sin in Islam and prohibited in Saudi Arabia and most other Muslim nations. In the conservative kingdom, the offence can be punished by flogging or prison.
You fix that one... AND THEN we'll talk about you negotiating with the people we're at war with, ok?

I'll be waiting for your report.
