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12 June 2008

Damn you Ezra...

Sitting there in your wildly idling Hummer, smokin a stogie with the air conditioner goin' full blast... and all the windows down...
There's something ineffable about being a free man, about saying what you want, about not being afraid of what someone else thinks.

It feels pretty good.

I'd encourage you to try it.

Go ahead.
You've got some pretty big balls, my friend.

Of course not everybody appreciates that good ol' "free speech" point of view...
(But note the thinly-veiled allusion to violence in Hector's letter: " is very fortunate for Canada not to have suffered property loss or injury/causality here or abroad".

I think he meant casualty, but frankly his poor command of English adds a degree of menace, don't you think?