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12 June 2008

Calling all...

Wiccans, Rastafarians and Druids... you wanna make sure you're not late filing your paperwork...
-- TORONTO -- Ontario's governing Liberals tried to say “Amen” Thursday to a thorny proposal to replace the Lord's Prayer in the legislature, opting instead to make time for an additional ritual that would better reflect the province's diverse cultural and religious landscape.

Critics called the move a calculated retreat in the face of massive public outcry to preserve a decades-long tradition. But in averting a controversy, the government may have created a new debate over which additional faiths pass muster.
And, of course, the Liberal government's oh-so-politically correct solution is only gonna throw additional fuel on the volatile religious fires.
The premier has dropped a “real hot potato” in the legislature's lap, said Opposition Leader Bob Runciman.

“It's going to be problematic, there's no doubt about that, in how you determine what's appropriate, what's not appropriate,” he said.

“He opened up a real can of worms here. No one was asking him to go down this road and now where the road ends is a big question mark right now.”
This whole "my beads are holier than your beads" thing... is turning out to be a pain in the body politic.

Time to actually separate Church and State.


Pastafarians are gonna want a piece of this
"I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; One third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence."
"Blessed be His Noodley Goodness."


"Who'd ever have dreamed that endless compromising might leave us compromised?"