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27 June 2008

Coming soon to CBC

The exciting premiere of CSI Deseronto...
"Looks like Shawn scared them shitless so they ran away, like the chickenshit drunken racists they are, which was his goal."

"He threw the spear at the truck to mark it for future identification. It worked."
Sure, that makes perfect sense... it's not like you could, you know... read the license plate.

Another triumph for ancient Mohawk wisdom.


UPDATE: Brant found guilty, then set free
Mohawk protest leader Shawn Brant was found guilty on two criminal charges Thursday at the close of a trial that heard details of an intense roadside confrontation between a Napanee family and native protesters near Deseronto.

After two days of evidence into the matter -- which centred around an April 21 incident near the corner of Bells and Lower Slash roads -- Justice Stephen Hunter said he found "sufficient evidence" to convict Brant, 44, of carrying a dangerous weapon and breaching court-imposed conditions.
Hmmmm... you've got previous criminal convictions... you're, in fact... out on bail... and you throw a spear at someone.

That's pretty serious shit, right?

Apparently not if you're aboriginal.
Brant was also given one year of probation with strict terms, including conditions that he is not to participate in or plan protests. However, he is permitted to attend meeting of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte band council or activities "initiated by police services."

In addition, Brant was given a five-year weapons prohibition, but "will be permitted to have traditional native fishing (equipment) and will be allowed to hunt," using firearms while on the reserve, said Hunter.
Of course, to get a walk like this... there obviously must be mitigating circumstances...
Defence counsel Howard Morton, who early in the proceedings leveled accusations that provincial police were looking for any way to pin charges on his client, called no evidence or witnesses to bolster his case during the trial.
