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07 June 2008


Like maybe a plague of freakin' locusts is gonna descend from Heaven... and eat Obama?
"In deciding to suspend her campaign, Ms. Clinton kept some options open."
SOME options?

Kinda sounds like every possible option to me.
"It also means she could reopen her campaign "IF CIRCUMSTANCES CHANGE" before the Denver convention, but gave no indication that was her intention."
That Hillary... such an optimist.


RELATED: Oops, he did it again...


It's always a treat to be able to delve into one aspect or another... of CC's puerile, pottymouth web presence.

Tonight though, I'd just like to ask the Cynic how it is exactly... he came to be riding on the coat-tails of the person who apparently claimed ownership of the blog "Canadian Cynic" back in 2005.

I mean, isn't this person, who also apparently and co-incidentally, resides in the Waterloo, Ontario area... concerned about having his blog name pirated and used so cavalierly over on Blogger?

I know I would be.

It's getting a little late tonight, so maybe there's some sort of explanation that eludes weary old me... but perhaps tomorrow, with the help of Google cache, we can explore this puzzle a little more.



One of CC's little cracklickers wants to have me charged with "improper research."