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14 May 2008

Sure you are, Floyd...

A scary, alcohol soaked, crime ridden nation... whose leadership unfailingly and unceasingly soaks up 10 billion Canadian taxpayer dollars per year...
"We're a nation," Floyd Montour said in an interview Tuesday. "We can make our own laws and we're stepping up to the plate to do that.

"If they can't understand that, I don't know why. That's what we have to do."

Montour and his wife, Ruby, have been at the forefront of actions aimed at stopping development in the city and elsewhere along the Grand River. They say the land belongs to Six Nations.

RELATED: You want that in unmarked twenties?
-- SUDBURY -- An Ontario First Nations group is seeking $550 billion in compensation from the federal government and more than 101,000 hectares of land.

"It's not about displacing anyone or asking the government to expropriate anything from anyone. I think here we've got a positive history of good relationships between all the different communities in the Sudbury region."
That may be about to change, my friend.



Oh yeah, here's a sad little postscript to the tragic story of the aboriginal boy with leukemia, whose parents want to save him from the agony of chemotherapy (a circumstance I am not unsympathetic to) and put him on natural herbal remedies instead.

Global TV reported last night, this child has fetal alcohol syndrome. Yeah... he's brain-damaged because his mother drank during pregnancy.

Funny how nobody else seems to be reporting that.
Although the chemotherapy will continue, friends and family members who attended court Tuesday, including an aunt dressed in a woven poncho and an uncle transported in a wheelchair with flat tires, were jubilant as they left the courtroom.

“We won!” shouted one family friend.
What planet are these people from?
