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28 May 2008

"Mixed Review", huh?

So... what sort of grade would you get... if you didn't immolate your neighbours in broad daylight?

But, let's not use 'harsh words' to criticise those 'developing nations'... we wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings...
"And, once again the 2007 human rights report card for the continent is disappointing."
Yeah... "disappointing"... that's the word I was looking for.

Of course, Amnesty has no qualms about pointing fingers at the real culprit... the "so-called war on terror."

Good grief.


RELATED: In other "politically correct" nonsense news...

Dipshit 'activist' unwilling to admit he was wrong.
"This is the first I have ever heard that police can park in a disabled spot during an emergency."
Oh yeah... one small explanatory note.

This dumbstick became an "activist" after amputating his own legs trying to hop a freight train to go to a rock concert.
