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28 May 2008

From the H.o.M. mailbag...

Got an email from reader Rich this morning... regarding the disingenuous yappy lapdog tactics of the ever-loony leftosphere...
"MP wants Mulroney back before ethics committee".
Well, much like all the Bernier argle-bargle... no real surprise there. It was the next paragraph that really put things in perspective.
I ran across a site run by a guy called Big City Lib....part way down the first page next to a Komodo dragon picture is this... "My advice to the opposition parties? Follow the ways of the noble Komodo Dragon, which bites its prey once, and then may pursue it for days while it slowly weakens and bleeds to death."

"Patience, brothers and sisters, patience!"
Hmmm... Big City Lib... that sounds so familiar.
